Boolean Is Greater Than '>', '>='

The Boolean operator Is Greater Than compares two operands and returns TRUE (-1) if the first value is greater than the second value, or returns FALSE (0), otherwise. Is Greater Than can be used in both variable and constant expressions. Example:

X := Y > Z 

The above example compares the value of Y with the value of Z and sets X to either: TRUE (-1) if Y is greater than the value of Z, or FALSE (0) if Y is equal to or less than the value of Z. 

This operator is often used in conditional expressions, such as in the following example.

IF (Y > 50)

Here, the Is Greater Than operator returns TRUE if Y is greater than 50.

Is Greater Than has an assignment form, >=, that uses the variable to its left as both the first operand and the result destination. For example,

X >= Y     'Short form of X := X > Y

Here, X is compared with Y, and if X is greater than Y, X is set to TRUE (-1), otherwise X is set to FALSE (0). The assignment form of Is Greater Than may also be used within expressions for intermediate results; see Intermediate Assignments.

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