Where Does an Instruction Get Its Data?

Most instructions have two data operands; a destination value and a source value. For example, the format for an ADD instruction is:

  add destination, <#>source

The destination operand is the 9-bit address of a register containing the desired value to operate on. The source operand is either a 9-bit literal value (constant) or a 9-bit address of a register containing the desired value. The meaning of the source operand depends on whether or not the literal indicator "#" was specified. For example:

     add X, #25    'Add 25 to X
     add X, Y      'Add Y to X 
X    long 50
Y    long 10 

The first instruction adds the literal value 25 to the value stored in the register X. The second instruction adds the value stored in register Y to the value stored in the register X. In both cases, the result of the addition is stored back into register X.

The last two lines define data symbols X and Y as long values 50 and 10, respectively. Since launching assembly code into the cog caused this data to enter Cog RAM right after the instructions, X naturally is a symbol that points to the register containing 50, and Y is a symbol that points to the register containing 10.

Thus, the result of the first ADD instruction is 75 (i.e.: X + 25 → 50 + 25 = 75) and that value, 75, is stored back in the X register. Similarly, the result of the second ADD instruction is 85 (i.e.: X + Y → 75 + 10 = 85) and so X is set to 85.

Don't Forget the Literal Indicator '#'

Make sure to enter the literal indicator, #, when a literal value (a.k.a. immediate value) is intended. Modifying the first line of the above example by omitting the # character (ex: ADD X, 25) causes the value in register 25 to be added to X instead of the value 25 being added to X.

Another possible mistake is to omit the # on branching instructions like JMP and DJNZ. If the intended branch destination is a label named MyRoutine, a JMP instruction should normally look like JMP #MyRoutine rather than JMP MyRoutine. The latter causes the value stored in the MyRoutine register to be used as the address to jump to; that's handy for indirect jumping but it is usually not the intention of the developer.

Literals Must Fit in 9 Bits

The source operand is only 9 bits wide; it can hold a value from 0 to 511 ($000 to $1FF). Keep this in mind when specifying literal values. If a value is too big to fit in 9 bits, it must be stored in a register and accessed via the register's address. For example:

  add X, BigValue      'Add BigValue to X 

X         long 50
BigValue  long 1024

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