Instruction: Perform a hub operation.

HUBOP Destination, < # > Operation

Result: Varies depending on the operation performed.

  • Destination (d-field) is the register containing a value to use in the Operation.
  • Operation (s-field) is a register or a 3-bit literal that indicates the hub operation to perform.

Opcode Table:

–INSTR–  ZCRI  –CON–    –DEST–         –SRC–

Z Result

C Result



  000011    000i    1111    ddddddddd    sssssssss

Result = 0

Not Written


Concise Truth Table:


HUBOP is the template for every hub operation instruction in the Propeller chip: CLKSET, COGID, COGINIT, COGSTOP, LOCKNEW, LOCKRET, LOCKSET, and LOCKCLR. The instructions that perform hub operations set the Operation field (s-field of the opcode) to the 3-bit immediate value that represents the desired operation (see the opcode of each hub instruction's syntax description for more information). The HUBOP instruction itself should rarely be used, but may be handy for special situations.

HUBOP is a hub instruction. Hub instructions require 8 to 23 clock cycles to execute depending on the relation between the cog's hub access window and the instruction's moment of execution. See Hub for more information.

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